Feeling very gloomy as I thought I needed more funds to invest in my business, I went for a walk to get some inspiration. On the way, I noticed a license plate with B844. B is my first initial so it signaled me to pay attention.
Immediately, with a clear intention to receive practical information from my intuition and guides, I googled Angel Number Symbolism 844. I was not confident this message was for me as usually there are two or even three of my initials, but I was curious and gave it a try.
What came up was the website Trusted Psychic Mediums stating, "there's a need for honesty and clarity in your life. "
I was startled, so I shifted into curiosity and said, show me, please. I took two steps and saw a penny.
I understood that I was looping in old, outdated patterns and beliefs around money. Grateful, I shifted into the mindset of receiving and releasing while asking for help.
Next, I saw a huge sign that said BE TRUE painted on a building, another indication that I must be resisting this change, so I focused on loving myself while digging deeper for resources within me to detach.
I walked a bit further and saw another license plate with my initials and the number 894. From the website The Secret of the Tarot, this is what became clear.
"Though it may not look like much, you can use it as seed money for wealth creation… calling me to focus on things that add value to my life, to be resolute, and single-minded in pursuit of excellence."
The words "seed money for wealth creation" gave me an entirely different focus. My spine straightened as I allowed the energy of wealth creation to wash over me, and I was able to relax.
If you are paying attention, Signs of Spirit can give you profound insight and direction for your life if you are open to receive. Be open, playful, curious, and give it a try!