
How To Stay Steady During Tumultuous Times

It takes an unyielding will and intention to stay steady these days. First, acknowledge and appreciate yourself for embracing that intention.

Next, be informed, yet detached, limiting your media time. Do your best to find a trustworthy source.

Acknowledge your emotions and allow them to move through you. Also, pay attention to how you are feeling and catch it early-on thus avoiding big blow-ups.

What can you do to keep the flow going?

Get some fresh air.
Dance to some uplifting music.
Punch or scream into a pillow.
Scribble your emotions on paper.
Reach out to another and see how you can help them.
Have Happy Hour online with your friends, and if no one is available, join a Meetup group to gather online and feel connected while meeting new people.
Read a good book.
Take a bath or soak your feet in warm water with Epsom salt and essential oil
Reach out and get help from a friend and/or professionally.
Watch a funny video.
Be silly!
Hug yourself! You deserve it!
Contact me at to receive emotional support and dōTERRA essential oils.

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